We Help


We help you get through the House Arrest process.

Easy, Fast, & Dignified

Shadowtrack has been helping individuals manage their house arrest needs for over 25 years. If you have been sentenced to home detention or are looking for an alternative to home incarceration, then Shadowtrack is your ideal solution. The Shadowtrack program is an inexpensive means to fulfill your obligation to the court and allow you to stay close to your family. You will not be required to wear an embarrassing ankle bracelet or any other device. You will need an iPhone or Android phone. We are well known and trusted by courts and probation departments across the nation. Click the “Request Information” button to the right to learn more about how we can help you.


Shadowtrack offers you an easy and dignified way to complete your court ordered home incarceration requirements. There are no embarrassing devices attached to your body and nothing to install in your home.

Our mobile app uses voice and facial biometric authentication that relies on behavioral as well as physical characteristics. Your voice consists of a unique combination of features that make it distinct from all others. It’s not just the shape of your vocal cords, larynx, mouth, tongue and lips, but also how you use them that create a unique “voice signature.” Computer analysis of the digitized voice signal will produce a very specific, quantifiable, and reliable verification of your identity. Your face consists of unique characteristics that outline your facial features. These are used to confirm your identity within the Shadowtrack application.

Participants can fill out our information request form by clicking the link below  

Information Request Form

Shadowtrack uses BACtrack with its mobile app to complete sobriety monitoring.  You are required to buy the alcohol device on your own. The Shadowtrack app is paired with the BACtrack mobile pro (pictured below). Please use the link below to find a location near you that offers the device, or you can order it online.


A sobriety monitoring device.

The BACtrack device is paired with our mobile app. Sobriety is a schedule of 24 hours seven days a week. There is no exception. You will get random alerts to complete a sobriety test. The alert is timed and should be completed accordingly.

Compliance activity can only be requested by the supervising agent, court, or attorney on file. Due to the integrity of the program, compliance reports are not given to enrollees.

A cell phone with the ability to download mobile apps is required to use our mobile app solution.  It doesn't matter who the cell phone carrier is. There is no charge to download the mobile app. A landline with basic touch-tone service and call waiting can be used if there is no cell service available and must be approved by the supervising agent, court, or attorney.

Yes, calls can be received at any time during your scheduled home incarceration curfew. Please be sure you have access to the phone on file at all times during your curfew schedule.

We send out a confirmation letter confirming your enrollment within 1 to 2 business days (excluding holidays) of completing your voice enrollment. Once you have completed the program, a completion letter is sent within 1 to 2 business days (excluding holidays).

We send out a confirmation letter confirming your enrollment within 1 to 2 business days (excluding holidays) of completing your voice enrollment. Once you have completed the program, a completion letter is sent within 1 to 2 business days (excluding holidays).

There is no need to contact our office when you miss an alert on your mobile app. In the event of a missed alert or call, or there was an issue with the call, we simply recommend calling back into the system as soon as possible. You should also keep accurate records and get any documentation possible to be presented to the court if questioned about specific calls. Suppose you miss a call due to a medical emergency. In that case, you will be required to provide documentation of your visit to the hospital, and if possible, make an inbound call to verify your location. Once you return home, another inbound call should be made into the system.

Once you receive approval to enroll in Shadowtrack, you must submit the enrollment agreement. The agreement will ask you to provide information regarding your requirements for home incarceration (schedule, supervising agent, etc.) and then submit payment. It takes 1 to 2 business days (excluding holidays) for shadowtrack to complete the enrollment process. Once shadowtrack has completed its portion of the process, you will receive an email with instructions on how to complete your part of the enrollment process.

Home incarceration means you are home all the time; however, Shadowtrack does allow you to work, go to doctor/court appointments, and attend religious service. Your schedule should be approved by the court, probation officer, or supervising agent before submitting the enrollment application. Shadowtrack can at any time request documentation from an employer, doctor, court, or church regarding your schedule. Once your schedule is set up in shadowtrack, changes can be made by paying a fee and filling out a Schedule Change Request.

Shadowtrack requires a credit card on file at all times for all solutions. We accept visa, discover, american express, or mastercard. If you do not have a credit or debit card, simply go to your local bank, grocery, or department store and purchase a prepaid card. We do not offer payment plans. Your card is charged the same day every week. (this day is generally the same day you complete the voiceprint). Please keep in mind if you are using a prepaid card to note any charges the card company may add. Some prepaid cards charge transaction fees and monthly service fees.

Shadowtrack will monitor anyone that has received acceptance from a judge, supervising agent, or probation officer. If you need help getting approval, shadowtrack can provide you with a pre-approval letter. You need to understand that Shadowtrack does not have any authority regarding your sentence. Shadowtrack will monitor you as an enrollee based on the terms (restrictions and allowances) of your sentence. Compliance is then reported to the courts, supervising agent, or probation officer. This contact information will be provided to Shadowtrack upon completing the enrollment agreement.

Shadowtrack will monitor anyone that has received acceptance from a judge, supervising agent, or probation officer. If you need help getting approval, shadowtrack can provide you with a pre-approval letter. It is essential for you to understand that Shadowtrack does not have any authority regarding your sentence. Shadowtrack will monitor you as an enrollee based on the terms (restrictions and allowances) of your sentence. Compliance is then reported to the courts, supervising agent, or probation officer. This contact information will be provided to shadowtrack upon completing the Enrollment Agreement.

Shadowtrack requires a 24-hour notification from the enrollee regarding any move. If the court or probation officer approves, Shadowtrack will make this change. Also, shadowtrack can place any calls on hold during the move as long as the request is approved by the court, supervising agent, or probation officer. Any days placed on hold will have to be added to the end of your sentence. Any extra days required are made up at the enrollee’s expense.

An offender can be monitored anywhere in the US and Canada, no matter where the charge originated.

The enrollment process is quick and easy. It takes under 20 minutes to enter the data for the enrollment application process. The voiceprint process is less than 5 minutes. To avoid a lengthy enrollment process, you should have all of the information required: name, address, phone, court information, supervising agent/probation officer, attorney (if applicable), approved curfew schedule, and credit card information.

Many courts have approved shadowtrack throughout the country. Please contact us for more information about the availability in your area.

The cost can vary depending on the solution and functionality provided on a case-by-case basis. Shadowtrack is one of the leading providers for solutions in corrections and has been doing this at an affordable cost to individuals and agencies. Please get in touch by contacting our office or sending us an email for more information.

Shadowtrack does not have the authority to get anyone out of jail. The court has to make the decision to convert a jail sentence to house arrest. If the offender has already been to court and sentenced to jail, Shadowtrack does not have the authority to override a court's decision. However, suppose the person is in jail awaiting trial. In that case, there may be a possibility, depending on the offense, that a judge would consider using Shadowtrack as an alternative to jail while awaiting trial.

Shadowtrack does allow you to set up a weekly time frame to complete personal errands. This time is generally a four-hour time frame and set for the exact date and time each week.

If, for any reason, you have a medical emergency while on the program, please do not wait for a response from Shadowtrack. Just keep documentation showing you were at the hospital if the court questions your activity.

An IOS or Android smartphone

Who We Help

Shadowtrack is a trusted partner in electronic monitoring solutions. As a leading provider in the field, we specialize in delivering comprehensive solutions to our clients:


We provide custom monitoring solutions to meet the specific needs of agencies.

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Our solutions offer a respectful way for enrollees to fulfill court-ordered obligations.

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Courts use our technology to monitor with real-time reporting and communication.

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We assist attorneys in ensuring their clients comply with monitoring requirements.

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